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Rong Chang District Preferential Policies for Investment in High-Quality Development of Manufacturing Industry


Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为充分发挥我区产业特色和区域优势,加快产业结构调整步伐,健全现代产业体系,努力打造形成高端化、智能化、绿色化的高新产业集聚区,推动全区经济高质量发展,特制定本政策。

Article 1 This policy is fomulated in order to fully use our industrial characteristics and regional advantages, accelerate our adjustment of industrial structure,  improve the modern industrial system, build a high-end, intelligent and green industry cluster and promote high-quality economic development throughout the district.




Article 2 The scope of application and conditions

(1)”An invested enterprise”referred to in this policy means a manufacturing sector or related enterprise registered in Rong Chang district and invested by local investors or investors from other places.

(2) Projects conducted by the invested enterprises shall abide by the national industrial policy, district industry orientation, environmental regulations and production safety requirements. The investment performance, contribution to the economy and floor area ratio (FAR hereinafter) and so on shall reach the standards contracted by the two parties.  

第二章 财政扶持政策

Chapter II Financial Support Policy


Article 3 The land-purchase and self-build project whose economic contribution from the following year to the fifth year after the year being formally put into production meets the entering requirements of the high-tech zone, is to be subsidized the High-quality Development Subsidy at 100% in the first 3 years and 50% at the 4thand 5thyear according to its contribution to Rong Chang local economy of each calendar year.

第四条 租用(购买)标准厂房项目从正式投产之日的次年起至第三年,经济贡献达到高新区各组团入驻要求的,根据自然年度对荣昌区的地方经济贡献,按50%的比例给予高质量发展补助。

    Article 4 The standard-factory-lease/purchaseproject whose economic contribution from the first to the third year after the year being formally put into production meets the entering requirements of the high-tech zone, is to be subsidized the High-quality Development Subsidy at 50% according to its contribution to Rong Chang local economy of each calendar year.

第三章 购地扶持政策

Chapter III Land Acquisition Policy

第五条 世界500强、中国500强、中国民营企业500强、主板或创业板上市企业、境外企业投资项目和战略性新兴产业项目,在缴清国有土地出让价款后,可按照建设用地面积3万元亩的标准给予优质项目建设补助,用于支持项目基础设施建设

Article 5 The project carried out by enterprises such as Global Fortune 500, China Fortune 500, China Top 500 Private Enterprises, main board or growth board listed companies, invested by overseas enterprises and/or the strategic emerging industry project, after the expenses of the transfer of state-owned construction land use right are paid off, is to be subsidized High-quality Project Construction Subsidy at ¥30,000/mu (Chinese unit of land measurement, the same hereinafter)site area, supporting the projects infrastructure construction.

第六条 瞪羚企业、独角兽企业、专精特新企国家级或省级)、全国隐形冠军等行业带动性强的企业投资项目,在缴清国有土地出让价款后,可按照建设用地面积2万元亩的标准给予优质项目建设补助,用于支持项目基础设施建设。

Article 6 The project carried out by enterprises who have a great impact on their area such as gazelles, unicorns, hidden champions or specialized, fined , peculiar and innovative  (national or provincial level, the same hereinafter) enterprises, after the expenses of the transfer of the right to use state-owned land are paid off, is to be subsidized High-quality Project Construction Subsidy at ¥20,000/mu site area, supporting the projects infrastructure construction.

第七条 国家高新技术企业投资项目,转移至少一项发明专利到荣昌区内的,在缴清国有土地出让价款并完成发明专利转移登记后,可按照建设用地面积2万元亩的标准给予科技研发补助,用于支持项目科技研发。

Article 7 The certificated National High and New Technology Enterprise invested project, who transfer at least one patent for invention into Rong Chang, after the expenses of the transfer of the right to use state-owned land are paid off and the patents registration of transfer procedure is completed, is to be subsidized High-tech Development Subsidy at ¥20,000/mu  site area, supporting the projects scientific and technological research.

第八条 项目落户荣昌区后五年内升级为国家高新技术企业的,可按照建设用地面积2万元亩的标准给予科技研发补助,用于支持项目科技研发。

Article 8 The project, if upgraded into national certificated high and new technology enterprise in five years after registered in Rong Chang, is to be subsidized High-tech Development Subsidy at ¥20,000/mu site area, supporting the projects scientific and technological research.

第九条 项目建筑容积率在1.0的基础上(如《重庆市工业用地规划导则》规定的容积率高于1.0的,则在该导则规定的容积率基础上),容积率每提高0.1,在项目按协议约定建成投产后,可按照建设用地面积2万元亩的标准给予集约节约用地补助。

Article 9 The project, if its FAR surpasses the 1.0 basis (if the FAR is higher than 1.0 in Chong Qing Guideline for Industrial Land Planning, then the basis shall be in accordance with the Guideline), is to be subsidized Intensive and Conservative Land Use Subsidy at at ¥20,000/mu site area for each extra 0.1, after being formally built and put into production.

第十条 项目建成投产后前五年,经济贡献超过入驻组团要求的,每超过2万元年,可按照建设用地面积2万元亩的标准给予高质量发展奖励,用于支持企业发展。

Article 10 The project, if surpasses the entering requirements of the unit, is to be rewarded High-quality Development Award at ¥20,000/mu site area for extra ¥20,000/mu/year, supporting the projects development.

第十一条 投资项目在约定时间内建成投产,建设期内可按该项目建设用地面积7//年的标准给予建设进度奖励。

Article 11 The project, if completes and puts into production on time or before the time contracted, is to be rewarded Construction Schedule Award at ¥7 m2/yearduring the constructing period.

第十二条 投资项目享受本章第五条至第十条的补助和奖励总额不超过项目合同约定的土地价款

Article 12 The total amount of the subsidies and rewards granted to one single project according to Article 5 to 10 this policy shall not exceed the total land expenses agreed in the project contract.


Chapter IV  Rent Subsidy Policy

第十三条  租用政府国有企业管理的厂房和招商主管部门认可的闲置厂房项目,可享受以下租金优惠政策。





Article 13 The project renting factories managed by government and state-own enterprises or vacant factories approved by administration in charge for investment promotion, is to enjoy the rent concession policies as follow:

(1) The project which invests in strategic emerging industry, is to be subsidized ¥3/m2/month rent after formally being put into production. The duration of subsidy is 2 years.

(2) The certificated National High and New Technology Enterprise invested project, is to be subsidized ¥3/m2/month rent after formally being put into production. The duration of subsidy is 2 years.

(3)The project, if identified National High and New Technology Enterprise in 3 years after the contracted production date, is to be subsidized ¥3/m2/month rent from the following month its been identified. The duration of subsidy is 2 years.

(4) The invested enterprise or project, if meets both criteria in article 13.1 and 13.2, is allowed to receive the said rent subsidy at the same time.

第五章  科技研发扶持政策

Chapter V Scientific and Technical Research Supporting Policy

第十四条  鼓励引进科研平台支持制造业高质量发展。



Article 14 Encourage introduction of scientific research platform to support high-quality development of manufacturing industry

Introduced provincial universities and research institutes, scientific research platforms such as key laboratories, engineering research centers, technology innovation centers, manufacturers technology centers or new research and development centers of independent entity built by Rong Chang invested enterprises, are to be supplied with free office and research space less than 500m2for continuous five years. After completes the registration and operates properly, the research institute is to be subsidized at 60% of its invest in equipment and facilities (construction, office and research equipment), no more than ¥500 million.

Introduced universities listed in the First-class universities and disciplines of the world, national research institutes, scientific research platforms such as key laboratories, engineering research centers, technology innovation centers, manufacturers technology centers or new research and development centers of independent entity built by listed companies or centrally-administered state-own enterprises, are to be supplied with free office and research space less than 1000m2for continuous five years. After completes the registration and operates properly, the research institute is to be subsidized at 60% of its invest in equipment and facilities (construction, office and research equipment), no more than ¥1,000 million.

第十五条  鼓励引进科技服务载体支持制造业高质量发展。


Article 15 Encourage introduction of technology service carrier to support high-quality development of manufacturing industry

Introduced identified provincial technology service carriers, if built technology service carriers such as application of achievements platform,  technology incubation platform, technology resources platform, technology financial service platform, technology transfer platform, industrial internet and so on, are to be supplied with free office and research space less than 500m2for continuous five years, and to be subsidized at 60% of the invest in equipment and facilities (construction, office and research equipment), no more than ¥200 million.

第六章 申报程序

Chapter VI Application Procedure

第十六条  享受财政扶持政策的申报程序。


Article 16 Application for financial support policy

During the term enjoying the preferential policy, enterprises satisfying the criteria shall prepare all the required related materials, submit the application to the policy executing administration contracted in the project agreement in June each year. The policy executing administration examines together with District Finance Bureau and District Taxation Bureau and clears the application 1 month after the examination.  

第十七条  享受其他扶持政策的申报程序。


   Article 17 Application for other support policy

Enterprises satisfying the criteria shall prepare all the related supporting materials, submit the application to the related department. The related department clears the application 1 month after the examination.


Chapter VII Suppplementary Provisions

第十八条 本政策第五条、第六条、第七条规定的购地投资项目可同时享受第二章的财政扶持政策和第三章的购地扶持政策,其他购地投资项目只能享受前述两类优惠政策中的一类。

  Article 18 Land acquitted invested projects according to Article 5, 6 and 7 this policy can at the same time enjoy the financial support policy in Chapter 2 and the land acquisition policy in Chapter 3, whereas other land acquitted invested projects can only enjoy one sort of the said policy.  

第十九条 对重大招商引资项目、符合荣昌区主导产业的强链补链项目及对荣昌区经济发展做出突出贡献的企业,可通过一事一议另行给予优惠政策。

Article 19 Major investment projects, chain projects satisfying Rong Chang leading industry and enterprises making remarkable contribution to Rong Chang economic development shall be dealt with on a special-case-special-method basis and can enjoy separate preferential policies otherwise.

第二十条  本政策涉及事项可获得多个区级同类补助或奖励的,企业可选择其一享受,不能重复享受。对获得补助或奖励后又被认定为符合更高级别补助或奖励的,给予相应差额补助或奖励。

Article 20 If the said matters in this policy may satisfy two or more subsidy or award policies, repeat application shall not be allowed. If the said invested enterprise or project is identified to meet the higher-level subsidies or awards after the former grants, the difference in this policy is to be made up.   

第二十一条  本政策出台后新引进的投资项目,按本政策的有关条款执行;本政策出台前引进的投资项目,按原合同约定的优惠政策执行。

Article 21 For invested projects introduced after this policy takes effect, the provisions hereof shall prevail; for invested projects introduced prior to the effective date of this policy, the preferential policies agreed in the original contracts shall prevail.   

第二十二条  荣昌区内其他产业基地入驻项目可结合项目实际参照执行本政策。

Article 22 Provisions of this policy may be referred to for implementation by entering projects of other industry basis according to their practical situation.

第二十三条  本政策由荣昌区招商引资工作领导小组负责解释,2021101施行。

Article 13 This preferential policy is supposed to be explained by the Investment Invitation Leading Group of Rong Chang District. This law shall come into force as of October 1, 2021.






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